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Plot single layer imagery in grey-scale. Can be used with a SpatRaster.


  layer = 1,
  maxpixels = 5e+05,
  alpha = 1,
  hue = 1,
  sat = 0,
  stretch = "none",
  quantiles = c(0.02, 0.98),
  ext = NULL,
  coord_equal = TRUE,
  ggLayer = FALSE,
  ggObj = TRUE,
  geom_raster = FALSE,
  forceCat = FALSE





Character or numeric. Layername or number. Can be more than one layer, in which case each layer is plotted in a subplot.


Integer. Maximal number of pixels to sample.


Numeric. Transparency (0-1).


Numeric. Hue value for color calculation [0,1] (see hsv). Change if you need anything else than greyscale. Only effective if sat > 0.


Numeric. Saturation value for color calculation [0,1] (see hsv). Change if you need anything else than greyscale.


Character. Either 'none', 'lin', 'hist', 'sqrt' or 'log' for no stretch, linear, histogram, square-root or logarithmic stretch.


Numeric vector with two elements. Min and max quantiles to stretch to. Defaults to 2% stretch, i.e. c(0.02,0.98).


Extent object to crop the image


Logical. Force addition of coord_equal, i.e. aspect ratio of 1:1. Typically useful for remote sensing data (depending on your projection), hence it defaults to TRUE. Note however, that this does not apply if (ggLayer=FALSE).


Logical. Return only a ggplot layer which must be added to an existing ggplot. If FALSE s stand-alone ggplot will be returned.


Logical. Return a stand-alone ggplot object (TRUE) or just the data.frame with values and colors


Logical. If FALSE uses annotation_raster (good to keep aestetic mappings free). If TRUE uses geom_raster (and aes(fill)). See Details.


Logical. If TRUE the raster values will be forced to be categorical (will be converted to factor if needed).


ggObj = TRUE:ggplot2 plot
ggLayer = TRUE:ggplot2 layer to be combined with an existing ggplot2
ggObj = FALSE:data.frame in long format suitable for plotting with ggplot2, includes the pixel values and the calculated colors


When img contains factor values and annotation=TRUE, the raster values will automatically be converted to numeric in order to proceed with the brightness calculation.

The geom_raster argument switches from the default use of annotation_raster to geom_raster. The difference between the two is that geom_raster performs a meaningful mapping from pixel values to fill colour, while annotation_raster is simply adding a picture to your plot. In practice this means that whenever you need a legend for your raster you should use geom_raster = TRUE. This also allows you to specify and modify the fill scale manually. The advantage of using annotation_raster (geom_raster = TRUE) is that you can still use the scale_fill* for another variable. For example you could add polygons and map a value to their fill colour. For more details on the theory behind aestetic mapping have a look at the ggplot2 manuals.



## Simple grey scale annotation

## With linear stretch contrast enhancement
ggR(rlogo, stretch = "lin", quantiles = c(0.1,0.9))

## ggplot with geom_raster instead of annotation_raster
## and default scale_fill*
ggR(rlogo, geom_raster = TRUE)

## with different scale
ggR(rlogo, geom_raster = TRUE) +
        scale_fill_gradientn(name = "mojo", colours = rainbow(10)) +

## Plot multiple layers
# \donttest{
ggR(lsat, 1:6, geom_raster=TRUE, stretch = "lin") +
    scale_fill_gradientn(colors=grey.colors(100), guide = "none") +
    theme(axis.text = element_text(size=5),
          axis.text.y = element_text(angle=90),

## Don't plot, just return a data.frame
df <- ggR(rlogo, ggObj = FALSE)
head(df, n = 3)
#>     x    y value layerName      fill
#> 1 0.5 76.5   255       red #FFFFFFFF
#> 2 1.5 76.5   255       red #FFFFFFFF
#> 3 2.5 76.5   255       red #FFFFFFFF

## Layermode (ggLayer=TRUE)
data <- data.frame(x = c(0, 0:100,100), y = c(0,sin(seq(0,2*pi,pi/50))*10+20, 0))
ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) +  ggR(rlogo, geom_raster= FALSE, ggLayer = TRUE) +
       geom_polygon(aes(x, y), fill = "blue", alpha = 0.4) +

## Categorical data 
## In this case you probably want to use geom_raster=TRUE 
## in order to perform aestetic mapping (i.e. a meaningful legend)
rc   <- rlogo
rc[] <- cut(rlogo[[1]][], seq(0,300, 50))
ggR(rc, geom_raster = TRUE)

## Legend cusomization etc. ...
ggR(rc, geom_raster = TRUE) + scale_fill_continuous(labels=paste("Class", 1:6))

# }
## Creating a nicely looking DEM with hillshade background
terr <- terrain(srtm, c("slope", "aspect"))
hill <- shade(terr[["slope"]], terr[["aspect"]])

ggR(hill) + 
   ggR(srtm, geom_raster = TRUE, ggLayer = TRUE, alpha = 0.3) +
   scale_fill_gradientn(colours = terrain.colors(100), name = "elevation")